
The A120Forum is providing information on the Highway Agency's A120 Expansion proposal and an opportunity for interested parties to post their views and share information. The A120Forum makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or suitability of the statements, opinions, and information contained on this site or its links for any purpose. The A120Forum reserves the right, but has no obligation, to review and remove any statements, opinions, information, or materials posted by third parties that the A120Forum considers to be inappropriate, defamatory, abusive, anti-competitive, or illegal. The A120Forum hereby disclaims and does not condone, and will not accept or be responsible for any such statements, opinions, information, and materials or resulting liability. Any posting, electronic or related discussions, or other conduct or activities must comply with all applicable laws, policies, and procedures. The A120Forum reserves the right to terminate access to any user who does not abide with the foregoing. The A120Forum makes no warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained in these forums. A120Forum assumes no liability and expressly disclaims any responsibility for the statements made herein. Those individuals using this forum should do so at their own risk and shall also remain responsible for their actions and statements in using the forum.